Comments on: Zwift Announces Race Calendar Cleanup News, tips, and reviews for Zwift fanatics Mon, 23 Dec 2024 23:33:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Thieu Mon, 23 Dec 2024 23:33:41 +0000 Hooray, Christmas holidays! So much time during the day to race on Zwift!
Wait, what did you say? Nothing longer than an hour, nevermind something with hills from 11am to 5pm? 🙁

By: Brett Mon, 23 Dec 2024 09:04:43 +0000 well in theory this is a good idea but the problem will be when TT & hill climbs drop off. Not everyone wants to do zx racing. If you look at the Zwift hill climbs race series they have 3 events between 3-6 am Australia time & then 2 more over the next 8 hours why not space them out over 24 hours. If there is low attendance why not give us the option of riding them anytime. Dropping things off the calendar will not help going forward how do you find events to do. Improve the racing id & category first they have become a bigger joke.

By: Andrew Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:35:15 +0000 In reply to James Bailey.

I still think there is scope for “longer but not super long” races to be made into a “zRacing Extended” etc. month-long series. I still regularly hear people saying that zRacing is too short, but people do it because it’s on regularly and has good attendance numbers. If those ‘Zwift Epic’ races at 40km-ish were made into a zRacing style series taking over a handful of the standard zRacing time slots each day or every other day for a four or five event series then they could spark a bit of a switch. Weekend numbers are generally lower and those stand alone races (with the potentially discouraging ‘epic’ moniker) may dissuade people and can also end up in direct competition with existing longer events (like Supersonic Sunday, Sufferday, FRR etc.)

By: Andrew Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:24:35 +0000 In reply to Todd.

Yeah, there seems little good reason to cull TT events, unless there are ones competing at the same time struggling for numbers then maybe get those clubs to rotate times or combine their events etc. It’s particularly silly given that they are by their nature solo-ish events and that Zwift Companion already has separate specific “Filters” so you can set to either see or not see all Time Trial and/or Team Time Trial events in the list, so people not interested in them can hide them all from view.

By: Andrew Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:18:57 +0000 In reply to Eric Schlange.

I think they also need to look at “how many” events are being authorised for a specific time of day based on the number of racers overall that are on Zwift at those times as well as that day of the week. We all know certain countries and time zones have more or less riders so to a certain extent those times should have more or less events (as a maximum) at those times to try and give choice without over-diluting all of the events at those times.

By: Andrew Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:15:56 +0000 In reply to Eric Schlange.

Each week in zRacing over the last month or so I’ve had over 100 in my 180-350 Pen.
The UK/EU early evening time slots do get really busy. Personally I don’t mind having over 100 in a pen, I’ve done zRacing events with well over 200 in my pen previously, I like to draft, lol!
In theory a pen limit could spread riders to other events, and I like the thought of being able to help do that, however in practice with the busier UK/EU time zones it would likely result in some people not being able to join an event any day at all as they’ll all hit 100 and people may not be able to do other earlier/later times.

By: Andrew Tue, 17 Dec 2024 16:10:00 +0000 In theory it’s a good change to reduce the number of low participation events and allow racers to coalesce around fewer but higher participation events, however:
1) Zwift need to look at their own impact on other events by way of having their zRacing events on every single hour of every day. Certainly having them every other hour, rotating say even/odd hours from one day to the next would provide a little more space in the calendar for other non-Zwift events to flourish
2) Zwift could also look at some of the events that they are potentially culling and consider whether organising that type of event into a potentially more popular Zwift named ‘series’ would work. For instance I often hear from people that zRacing events are too short, but the individual club events are too long or too poorly attended. So a “zRacing Extended” with courses/races that are about 50% longer might be a good option to try out and see whether the combination of a Zwift name attached along with a 1-month ‘series’ format attracts racers to it.
3) Zwift could also look to help Club events with potential participation numbers by popping up at the end of an event with a “Sign Up For Next Week Now?” type of pop-up where finishers can just click Yes/No, chances are a decent number would click Yes and that ‘early sign-up numbers’ situation can lead to a kind of snowball effect where people looking for an event see this one has people already signed up so they choose it, which encourages more people, and so on…

By: A.Harrison Mon, 16 Dec 2024 11:02:20 +0000 I would be unhappy about the removal of the Zwift tt events. They are an excellent form of training and offer some variety from normal race events. For my first two months on Zwift, this was the only racing I took part in.

By: Walter J. Nestor III Sun, 15 Dec 2024 16:54:12 +0000 In reply to Kasper.

Conform or be cast out damn you. No free thinking allow. When in doubt go with the popular kids. 5 feet tall 53kg or less body weight, and still can’t win a sprint you know. Those kids.

By: Mike Hardy Sat, 14 Dec 2024 22:21:47 +0000 In reply to Eric Schlange.

The popular FRR and Chasing race slots can get there. VirtuSLO endurance has as well if I recall correctly, these all in the last few months. Definitely still happens

That 100-rider limit, I wonder what year that will finally be improved on?
