Comments on: All About Zwift Racing Score News, tips, and reviews for Zwift fanatics Fri, 06 Dec 2024 17:27:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Davis Fri, 06 Dec 2024 17:27:31 +0000 My racing score dropped overnight from a 492 to a 355 but my fitness hasn’t decreased and I’ve been doing equally hard rides. Did a change in calculation recently occur?

By: greg Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:41:04 +0000 In reply to John.

The new C category is too broad and the D category is too low. I rarely see people racing B. They really need to take a hard look at this. It’s ridiculous how bad/unfair it is.

By: greg Fri, 22 Nov 2024 18:36:32 +0000 In reply to Mark.

I’m is races with half B racers and some A racers from time to time. Guys pulling 3.8 and 3.9 where I can maybe eek out a 2.6.

By: flamingstu Mon, 18 Nov 2024 09:03:12 +0000 In reply to Tomas.

I totally agree I’ve been racing 2 or 3 times a week and have been bouncing between categories (what used to be C and D). Cat 180-350 where I am somewhat competitive and I’ve even won a race to category 350-520 where I am dropped by the bunch usually around half race distance (depending on the route profile). After one or two races in each category my score has changed up or down to switch me again. I think the 350-520 category is way too tough this is the equivalent of the old 3.2w/kg and I frequently see many riders finishing with 3.8, 3.9 or even 4w/kg at the end so I’m pretty sure a lot of these could go up to the next cat. I get that Zwift are trying to evenly split the riders but from what I am seeing someone with a racing score around 400 or less is not going to stand a chance in the 350-520 cat

By: Mark Sun, 10 Nov 2024 17:17:16 +0000 In reply to Mark.

Completely spot on. The Zwift Racing Score has destroyed the race experience for Cat D riders. I argued this would be the case when it was in beta, but was lambasted with “but you should want to improve your performance, and this system will help you do that” comments. I was previously a solid Cat D racer, pre-ZRS. Sometimes win, sometimes not. But usually competitive. Now I’m blown out and a minute behind the lead group within the first 3 miles of a race. I’m in the bottom 5 every time, competing against 3.5 to 4.0+ racers in every race. Not enjoyable. I’ve loved Zwift for years, but the change to the ZRS system is making me consider alternative platforms to find an enjoyable experience again.

By: Ronald Wed, 30 Oct 2024 12:52:39 +0000 I race group B now following the new Zwift Racing Score change, and not at the most sociable times of day either, but always used to have numbers in the teens and often more

All if the races I’ve done in the current series have had very low numbers – sub 10 and the 2 most recent had 4

Is it because of the ZRS change (or the multitude of race routes on offer at the moment?) or have B races always seen much fewer racers than C

Be glad of some perspective, because it often means I end up time trialing to the end with no help/competition and it’s definitely not so fun as before

Anyone else experiencing this?

By: Mark Mon, 28 Oct 2024 23:52:28 +0000

where have all the cat D racers gone? is this a question being asked at ZHQ? of the 17 sign ups 1 is cat B, 13 are cat C and only 3 are Cat D. This is not an isolated incident. it is every ZRS ranked race. The lead group in these cat D races are averaging 3 or even 4 W/Kg. The leads to the old money D’s getting dropped from the get go. If we wanted to ride on our own, we wouldn’t have signed up for a race. If you can’t manage to cater for races covering the complete demographic of riders you will see the old D’s disappear from races (and shortly afterward the platform). The only saving grace at the moment is ladder races and ZRL (which uses the old catergories)

By: Jonathan Mon, 28 Oct 2024 14:26:10 +0000 I’m not sure what to think of this new scoring feature. I did a Tour of Watopia event the other day, rod hard, and increased 1 point. That type of event is not even a race. Then I did a race event yesterday to get the route badge, didn’t actually race it, which should be obvious from stats, and I lost 10 points. So if anyone wants to drop a group and sandbag they just need to sign up for an event and not go hard. Seems a bit odd. I’m also noticing in the rides I’m doing, ppl are now like 3.9watts/kg which means they really increased the ceiling for ‘c’. I’ll hopefully get use to this in time. I agree that the new categories seem a bit big. But having maybe 10 categories would make the events too small.

By: Paul Ruud Wed, 23 Oct 2024 16:32:53 +0000 For me, the best thing is that the boundaries of the categories don’t matter as much. I can compare myself with the racers who have a similar ZRS. Podium results reflect the boundaries, which are aribtrary. Getting the gold isn’t as significant to me as coming close to people with a nearby ZRS.

By: Jonathan Stone Tue, 22 Oct 2024 09:07:19 +0000 I’m coming back to this article because I am still seeing lots of ‘B Cats’ in the 350 to 520 ZRS dominating these races and we have a clear two-tier race formed, usually at the first climb, where the lead group is overwhelmingly B riders and the second group C riders. The races I have done with my ZRS score of 510 to 515 have all been dominated by B riders with ZRS much lower than mine and 20 minute power numbers at 3.5w/kg to 3.7w/kg. When you then go to and take a look at their vELO you can see why they are dominating because not only is their pace category B, their vELO score predicts and then shows them finishing above the C’s, in my case with a current ZRS much lower than my top of the category score but massively higher vELO than me. Now, i do get the problem might be that vELO has been collecting data points for much longer, so the question for @Eric Schlange is do we know how long Zwift thinks it will be take to smooth this out and we get the system we all hoped for? I’m not complaining about coming 17th in a race vELO predicted I would come 16th in (so almost bang on as predicted) but that with a ZRS of now 515 why the riders above me mostly had lower ZRS when clearly it appears they should be higher?
