CompuTrainer by Racermate Wheel On Trainer

CompuTrainer was helping cyclists train smart before any other smart trainers even existed! They aren't in business anymore, but there are still lots of units being used all over the world, because they were built so well.
Key Specs
- MSRP: $1629 USD
- Accuracy: +-2.5%
- Max Wattage: 1500 W
- Max Incline: 15%
Where to Buy
This trainer is no longer in production, but you may find a good deal on used or old stock.
More Details
- Brand: Racermate
- Year Released: 2007 (No longer in production)
- Axle Compatibility: 130/135mm quick release
- Requires Calibration
- Communication: ANT+ and Bluetooth
Overall Rating
3.6 stars
based on 11 reviews
The CompuTrainer is built to last forever. I've never had an issue in close to 10 years of use. It's accuracy is as good as it gets. Of course being that old it doesn't have new communications capabilities that newer trainers have. Nor does it wear out like new trainers either. Connection is wired so bluetooth dropouts are never an issue. Solid as a rock from bike2live October 14, 2020Â
It works fine with Zwift but it's pretty noisy. Will last forever from leggett24 September 24, 2020Â
I've used this trainer for 20 years now and think it would have another 20 in it as there have been zero signs of any part wearing out. The downside issues are that Computrainer went out of business but luckily I upgraded the hardware chip before that closure happened. Secondarily, it would be nice to switch from a trainer that burns up tires to the newer trainer approach which moved resistance to a freehub body rather than tire resistance. CompuTrainer review – built to outlast everything but zero support from closed company who built them. from Matt September 16, 2020Â
Owned two Computrainers - the first generation that actually came with a 1980's modified Nintendo game console to control it and the 'newer' version that ran on Windows with RacerMate One. Racermate was the first company to release an accurate smart trainer. The frame holder is bombproof - there is no way you could destroy or bend that thing. The magnetic resistance is fairly accurate - noisier than the new generation of smart trainers now though. The wheel on roller bearings have always been very smooth and maintenance free after 1000's of kms. The problem is that the company never adjusted for the times and was outpaced by Tacx and Wahoo with the introduction of bluetooth / wireless support. As such, Racermate collapsed which is disappointing as they were the pioneers in this space. Upgrading to another trainer now because the reliability of the connection via USB to a computer is shaky more and more frequently. Mechanically sound, but the electronics are less reliable. Also, the only program the Computrainer can sync with now is Zwift (can't operate with Sufferfest / Trainer Road, Rouvy, etc.) because of the lack of bluetooth connectivity. RIP Computrainer...had many good times staring at a pixelated 1980's rider on an old Nintendo platform. Great robust old-school trainer from D-Man September 16, 2020Â
The Computrainer may be a bit dated at this point, but the things are indestructible. For a wheel on trainer, they still are a great option and they can be found cheap these days as others upgrade. Computrainer from Paul September 9, 2020Â

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The CompuTrainer is built to last forever. I've never had an issue in close to 10 years of use. It's accuracy is as good as it gets. Of course being that old it doesn't have new communications capabilities that newer trainers have. Nor does it wear out like new trainers either. Connection is wired so bluetooth dropouts are never an issue. Solid as a rock from bike2live October 14, 2020Â
It works fine with Zwift but it's pretty noisy. Will last forever from leggett24 September 24, 2020Â
I've used this trainer for 20 years now and think it would have another 20 in it as there have been zero signs of any part wearing out. The downside issues are that Computrainer went out of business but luckily I upgraded the hardware chip before that closure happened. Secondarily, it would be nice to switch from a trainer that burns up tires to the newer trainer approach which moved resistance to a freehub body rather than tire resistance. CompuTrainer review – built to outlast everything but zero support from closed company who built them. from Matt September 16, 2020Â
Owned two Computrainers - the first generation that actually came with a 1980's modified Nintendo game console to control it and the 'newer' version that ran on Windows with RacerMate One. Racermate was the first company to release an accurate smart trainer. The frame holder is bombproof - there is no way you could destroy or bend that thing. The magnetic resistance is fairly accurate - noisier than the new generation of smart trainers now though. The wheel on roller bearings have always been very smooth and maintenance free after 1000's of kms. The problem is that the company never adjusted for the times and was outpaced by Tacx and Wahoo with the introduction of bluetooth / wireless support. As such, Racermate collapsed which is disappointing as they were the pioneers in this space. Upgrading to another trainer now because the reliability of the connection via USB to a computer is shaky more and more frequently. Mechanically sound, but the electronics are less reliable. Also, the only program the Computrainer can sync with now is Zwift (can't operate with Sufferfest / Trainer Road, Rouvy, etc.) because of the lack of bluetooth connectivity. RIP Computrainer...had many good times staring at a pixelated 1980's rider on an old Nintendo platform. Great robust old-school trainer from D-Man September 16, 2020Â
The Computrainer may be a bit dated at this point, but the things are indestructible. For a wheel on trainer, they still are a great option and they can be found cheap these days as others upgrade. Computrainer from Paul September 9, 2020Â
The computrainer was my first purchase of an indoor trainer. They are no longer available new, but I found many of them used and complete for under 200.00. This is a wheel on trainer that is known for being bulletproof. I purchased mine from a Race across america competitor that used it an insane amount and the thing still works flawlessly. It is great for steady state riding and lower wattage outputs. I turned to a direct drive trainer when I improved my strength and started experiencing wheel slip on climbs and sprints. This is a great option if you want to start on the cheap. Power can be very accurate if you are diligent with your calibration spindown efforts before the ride. Computrainer Reveiw from Joey September 9, 2020Â
Had a computrainer for over 10 years. It is undistructable. Looking for a new one this fall Built like tank from Nfrenette September 8, 2020Â
Good - Accurate, inexpensive, and bullet proof when you can find a used one Bad - cables, no Bluetooth and Ant+ requires 3rd party software Old but reliable from A Schmidt September 8, 2020Â
Technology was well ahead of the time, but this trainer does not come close to the popularity of the current wheel on smart trainers. Needed a few work arounds to get up to speed with current ANT+/BLE technology, but the trainer worked fine with Zwift. Computrainer from J.Krug - B4C September 8, 2020Â
The CompuTrainer was built to last; I've had mine since 2007 and it's still going strong. The company is out of business but you can find one online for a reasonable price. You do need a USB adapter to connect to the latest apps. Good Solid Trainer from Tramirez September 4, 2020Â
Rock solid. Just worked. Very accurate power. Wheel on trainer. Requires calibration each ride. Out of Business now. CompuTrainer from harryroberts September 3, 2020Â