Elite Arion Digital Smart B+ Rollers
Key Specs
- MSRP: $649.99 USD
- Max Incline: 5%
Where to Buy
This trainer is no longer in production, but you may find a good deal on used or old stock.
More Details
- Brand: Elite
- Year Released: 2016 (No longer in production)
- Does not require calibration
- Communication: ANT+ Bluetooth
Overall Rating
3.8 stars
based on 4 reviews
Riding on rollers feels much smoother and more like being outside than a fixed trainer. It’s also doesn’t tie your bike up, just hop on and off. They also encourage and develop a smooth pedal stroke and core strength but do need a bit of practice. Rollers feel more real from Katelane September 9, 2020Â
These smart rollers allow all those benefits in a Zwift environment with resistance responding to gradient or erg mode. I swear they vibrate on cobbles/planks too...
The erg mode is particularly stable and cuts out if needed to prevent the “spiral of death” if struggling to meet the target.
I initially had doubts about the power accuracy and got some power pedals - turns out it was good after all just takes a little while to respond to acceleration. Similarly there is a lag in gradient response so you still have to anticipate the hills in races. Main disadvantage is I dare not stand to sprint, going slow in easy group rides is also challenging to the balance as is just having a drink!
I have had a set of these for two years now, I don't use them all the time as they do require a lot of concentration. Smart rollers provide a much better workout than even the best Turbo. The power output isn't terribly accurate when I've bothered to check them against my Powertap power meter, but they are consistent which for training as opposed to racing is, IMO, more important. If you can find a secondhand set buy them, much cheaper than many Turbos, reliable and better training. Great smart rollers from Swickers September 9, 2020Â
Válce s promÄ›nlivou zátěžĂ, super zmÄ›na od klasickĂ©ho chytrĂ©ho trenažéru, trochu mÄ› hned od začátku vadilo pĹ™ipojenĂ. Byl jsem pĹ™ipojen pĹ™es mobil k aplikace Zwift, pĹ™esto se válce obÄŤas zapomÄ›li se zátěžĂ, kdy uĹľ jsem mÄ›l jet z kopce a pĹ™esto zátěž stále byla v kopci. ObÄŤas se ze zadnĂho válce ozval zvuk, jak kdyby nÄ›co pĹ™eskoÄŤilo pĹ™es zuby, ale pak to fungovalo dál, jen pro pocit divnĂ©. Kdo umĂ jezdit na válcĂch bez drzenĂ se rukama, nebo ve stoje, pak bude mĂt vĂ˝hodu. PĹ™eci jen po hodinÄ› jĂzdy z toho bolĂ zadek, kdyĹľ neumĂte zadek odlehÄŤit v jĂzdÄ› ze stoje. Elite Arion Digital Smart B+ from Libor Tomáš September 9, 2020Â
Most important - it works! Smart rollers are a great alternative to a turbo trainer, though sprinting is an acquired skill and you have to be careful when going round corners in Zwift (steering really isn't a good idea!). the 800w/7% limitations aren't really a problem for most purposes, but it's probably not great for racing. I don't use this anywhere near as much as I use my Neo, but I do enjoy the few occasions when I take my life in my hands and risk the Arion! Different – but fun! from TimC340 September 8, 2020Â

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Riding on rollers feels much smoother and more like being outside than a fixed trainer. It’s also doesn’t tie your bike up, just hop on and off. They also encourage and develop a smooth pedal stroke and core strength but do need a bit of practice. Rollers feel more real from Katelane September 9, 2020Â
These smart rollers allow all those benefits in a Zwift environment with resistance responding to gradient or erg mode. I swear they vibrate on cobbles/planks too...
The erg mode is particularly stable and cuts out if needed to prevent the “spiral of death” if struggling to meet the target.
I initially had doubts about the power accuracy and got some power pedals - turns out it was good after all just takes a little while to respond to acceleration. Similarly there is a lag in gradient response so you still have to anticipate the hills in races. Main disadvantage is I dare not stand to sprint, going slow in easy group rides is also challenging to the balance as is just having a drink!
I have had a set of these for two years now, I don't use them all the time as they do require a lot of concentration. Smart rollers provide a much better workout than even the best Turbo. The power output isn't terribly accurate when I've bothered to check them against my Powertap power meter, but they are consistent which for training as opposed to racing is, IMO, more important. If you can find a secondhand set buy them, much cheaper than many Turbos, reliable and better training. Great smart rollers from Swickers September 9, 2020Â
Válce s promÄ›nlivou zátěžĂ, super zmÄ›na od klasickĂ©ho chytrĂ©ho trenažéru, trochu mÄ› hned od začátku vadilo pĹ™ipojenĂ. Byl jsem pĹ™ipojen pĹ™es mobil k aplikace Zwift, pĹ™esto se válce obÄŤas zapomÄ›li se zátěžĂ, kdy uĹľ jsem mÄ›l jet z kopce a pĹ™esto zátěž stále byla v kopci. ObÄŤas se ze zadnĂho válce ozval zvuk, jak kdyby nÄ›co pĹ™eskoÄŤilo pĹ™es zuby, ale pak to fungovalo dál, jen pro pocit divnĂ©. Kdo umĂ jezdit na válcĂch bez drzenĂ se rukama, nebo ve stoje, pak bude mĂt vĂ˝hodu. PĹ™eci jen po hodinÄ› jĂzdy z toho bolĂ zadek, kdyĹľ neumĂte zadek odlehÄŤit v jĂzdÄ› ze stoje. Elite Arion Digital Smart B+ from Libor Tomáš September 9, 2020Â
Most important - it works! Smart rollers are a great alternative to a turbo trainer, though sprinting is an acquired skill and you have to be careful when going round corners in Zwift (steering really isn't a good idea!). the 800w/7% limitations aren't really a problem for most purposes, but it's probably not great for racing. I don't use this anywhere near as much as I use my Neo, but I do enjoy the few occasions when I take my life in my hands and risk the Arion! Different – but fun! from TimC340 September 8, 2020Â