If you click Menu>Badges in game, you’ll find a list of achievement badges you can (or have) earned, including the newly-added Route Achievements.
But did you know there is an entire set of “Extra Credit” achievements which are not visible on the list? That’s right, there are additional achievements which are only visible after you do them.
You might ask, “How do I chase the achievement if I don’t know it exists?” And we would answer, “… that’s a good question.”
So here’s the complete list!
100KPH! (You hit 100KPH!) Just scrape it (You hit 800 watts) The blowdrier (You hit 900 watts) Premier power (You hit 1000 watts) Off the rocks (You hit 1100 watts) 1.21 gigawatts (You hit 1200 watts) You’re famous (You received 30 Ride Ons in one ride) Going the distance (You ran 26.2 miles) Olympian (You ran a mile in under 5 minutes) Everested! (You climed 29,029 ft in one activity) Bigger than Jensie (You received 100 Ride Ons in one ride) Liftoff! (Climbed Alpe du Zwift in under an hour)
When you receive one of these badges, they will show up in the “Extra Credit” section of your badges page:

How Close Are You?
This is the full list. How close are you to completing it? Comment below!