Zwift’s Urukazi expansion is the most visually-stunning map we’ve seen to date. We’ve got a few fun Rebel Route ideas, though, that let you see Urukazi from another perspective. Here’s our first: Urukazi Flats, a route that takes the flattest route around the Urukazi Island complex, letting you see all three sections with minimal elevation gain.

About Rebel Routes
“Rebel Routes” are Zwift rides not available on Zwift’s routes list, thus requiring manual navigation.
The reward for your rebel ride? Exploring a new route, knowing you’ve gone where few Zwifters have gone before. And a Strava segment rank in the tens or hundreds instead of the thousands! They are included as a separate category on our Veloviewer Route Hunter leaderboard.
Route Description
Begin by choosing “Bridges and Boardwalks” to be routed correctly for the first few turns. This will also give you the correct virtual start/finish banner.
The route begins on Mech Isle, just after the start pens. Proceed around the Mech Isle North road (the flatter, paved portion of Mech Isle) then turn right to cross the bridge to Festival Harbor. A left turn at the end of the bridge brings you to the Festival Harbor boardwalk and the Boardwalk Sprint. Give it a go, then turn left toward Mangrove Maze.
Arriving at Mangrove Maze, we’ll turn right to stay on the flatter outside road. A right turn at the end of this twisty, mangrove-shaded road followed by a quick left brings you onto the beachfront road and the Tidepool Sprint. Grab the green jersey, take a breather, then turn left toward Mech Isle. You’re almost there!
When you arrive at Mech Isle, turn right to Mech Isle North. This dirt road will turn to tarmac and take you to the virtual start/finish banner which marks the end of the route. Well done!
Don’t let the profile scare you – total elevation for the route is only 22 meters over 7.5 of distance!

Getting Started + Lead-In
The easiest way to get started is to choose “Bridges and Boardwalks” from your Makuri Islands route options. This will properly route through the Boardwalk Sprint, but you’ll need to make your first manual turn soon after that – the left toward Mangrove Maze.
Turn by Turn
Here are the turns you’ll need to make to successfully complete Urukazi Flats once you’ve begun on Mech Isle by choosing the “Bridges and Boardwalks” route:
- Right to Festival Harbor
- Left to Festival Harbor South
- Left Mangrove Maze
- Right to Mangrove Maze South
- Right to Neokyo
- Left to Hidden Reefs
- Left to Mech Isle
- Right to Mech Isle North
Route details:
Distance: 7.51km (4.67 miles)
Elevation Gain: 22m (71′)
Strava Segment
Rebel Route Suggestions
Got an idea for a great Rebel Route? Share it below and maybe we’ll publish a post about it!